A Win-Win Solution to Finally Achieve Electric & Gas Market Synchronization

Skipping Stone President, Greg Lander, and CEO, Peter Weigand have collaborated to develop a comprehensive set of solutions to finally solve the elusive gas and electric market synchronization issues. This paper is a follow-on to the original paper published in 2013 that resulted in several operational changes to address key issues, however, didn’t result in fully solving the synchronization issues.

Now that the markets have adopted past rules modifications, which helped both markets, the authors are putting forth in the paper a series of additional structural market modifications that address the full solution set. A sampling of new solutions include:

  • Hourly Pipeline Park & Loan Services
  • Load Factor-Based Rates
  • Firm Shipper Revenue Sharing
  • New Pipeline Expansion Model
  • New Pipeline Revenue Stream
  • ISO Operational Coordination

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