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In our new 3 minute feature, Peter shares his insights on ten headlines that may hold interest for internationals looking to enter the US energy market.

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CEO Insights


In this five-minute episode of CEO Insights, Peter examines market-based pricing and the effects it will have on Japan’s energy markets.

Skipping Stone opened its Japan operations in 2014, before deregulation. Peter discusses how the markets have changed and how our involvement has grown.

Peter offers “dos and don’ts” for foreign investors interested in the US renewable energy markets.

Peter discusses why international players are increasingly becoming interested in Japan’s energy markets.


Peter takes 3 minutes to share some tips on how to make trade show attendance work for you.

Peter discusses energy retailers’ challenges in the volatile energy market and three keys to success.

This month, Peter talks about why utilities struggle with innovation, pointing out the key hindrances utilities meet in finding innovative solutions.

Peter’s topic this month is the evolution of pricing plans in the U.S. retail electricity market.

Renewable Energy

Are we seeing a new trend?

Peter gives a primer on PPA vs VPPA.

Peter outlines renewable energy transmission issues.


In this one hour video, Skipping Stone CEO Peter Weigand and Skipping Stone Japan President Hiroshi Okuyama fill us in on what has been happening in Japan’s power market in 2023 and what to expect in 2024.

This half-hour webinar offers a forecast of winter capacity release market conditions, key underlying trends and metrics impacting capacity release pricing, and tips for finding capacity release deals this winter.

Japan Energy Market October 2022

This one-hour webinar covers the basics, growth and trends of Japan’s retail and wholesale energy markets, plus opportunities, insights and models for international players.

Exploring International Markets

international retail-500

Peter Weigand, Chairman and CEO of Skipping Stone, takes us through the steps of entering an international retail energy market. He will provide guidance on research and tools available and explain the most cost effective way to manage the process.

Avoiding The Technology Trap


In this short interview-style webinar, Skipping Stone Partner John Brown will share insights and experiences related to his white paper, Avoiding the Technology Trap: A Guide for Energy Companies Experiencing Systems Issues.